Erikoisnäyttely 2.2.2019
Labradorinnoutajien erikoisnäyttelyyn Järvenpäässä osallistuivat junioriluokassa Y. Caramel ja Y. Cleopatra, sekä pentuluokassa Alexsinas Wannabe. Kilpailu oli kova ja koiria oli näyttelyyn ilmoitettu 242! Junioriluokan narttuja osallistui kokonaiset 39 ja pentuluokkaan 14. Tuomarina toimi Tanja Nordhues Saksasta, Precious For Eternity Labradors.
JUN-EH, Y. Caramel:
"12 months old yellow bitch who needs much more ring training. Sweet head and expression. Today I will give her a very good because she was a little bit shy in the ring and I could not really see her outlines, but I'm sure she can be much better with show practice."
JUN-EH, Y. Cleopatra:
"13 months old black bitch a sweet head and expression, she needs a little bit more weight to develope but she is well angulated in front and back. Excellent neck and level topline. Moved well."
PEN, Alexsinas Wannabe:
"8 months old yellow puppy, lovely head and expression, a very good breed type, very nice front and good layback of shoulder, I would prefer a better back but this can be by age, good tailset, excellent bone and feet and moved well."